Paramount Services Group Inc.

Office Cleaning

Office Cleaning

The performance of cleaning tasks that are performed regularly, such as trash removal and disposal, and general floor maintenance.


Floor Cleaning

Floor Cleaning

The utilization of different cleaning procedures depending on conditions and composition, to render a clean, shine, or sanitized surface.

Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning

The removal of stains, dirt, and allergens from carpet through methods, such as vacuuming, rotary cleaning, and bonnet cleaning.

Building Cleaning

Building Cleaning

Work undertaken to keep, maintain, restore, or improve a working environment that induces mental wellness and provides productivity.

Glass Cleaning

Glass Cleaning

The process of removing dirt and calcium deposits from glass panels to enhance visibility, improve appearance, and promote safety.


Wall Cleaning

Wall Cleaning

The process of using mild cleaning agents and non-abrasive substances, rags, or sponges, to render a surface free of dirt or stains.

Renovation Clean Up

Renovation Clean

The process of putting a commercial property into appropriate condition for occupation and use after construction or remodeling.

Sanitizing Services

Sanitizing Services

The process by which all microorganisms are directly killed or rendered inactivated through the means of utilizing dedicated cleaning agents.

COVID-19 Disinfecting Services

COVID-19 Disinfecting Services

The process of destroying or preventing the growth of organisms by using specialized cleansing techniques or chemicals.

Rubbish Disposal

Rubbish Disposal

Environmentally friendly removal of trash that is safe and in compliance with local regulations. (Transportation & Actual Disposal Not Included)

Our Working Process


Based on the client’s needs, we highlight the services and solutions that are most relevant to them.


After client consultation, we will provide a customizable plan with transparent pricing to meet their specific needs.


Upon receiving client approval, our team will commence the cleaning process, ensuring that all expectations are met.


Post-cleaning, the client evaluates our performance, enabling us to address discrepancies and gather feedback.


Upon completing the cleaning, we offer diverse payment options following the Agreement’s Terms.
